By Lionel
This is the last terra firma year end blog that I will do, given I retire next spring.… Read the rest
By Lionel
This is the last terra firma year end blog that I will do, given I retire next spring.… Read the rest
Should we be paying more attention to our surroundings and the trees we come into contact either during site visits or just going about our day to day business?… Read the rest
At terra firma we have been fortunate to work on projects in the heritage sector that bring a range of specialist skills together.… Read the rest
Britain is home to a rare species – one that is found in ponds during spring but for the rest of the year wanders amidst fields, woodlands and hedges. … Read the rest
Urtica dioica, the common stinging nettle, is a UK native considered to be a weed and not a plant people often aim to include in their gardens.… Read the rest
This month’s guest blog comes from the Humanitarian Landscape Collective (HLC), who came to the office in February to deliver a CPD on their mission & research on getting landscape architects more involved with international development work.… Read the rest
Quite a claim I know but working in the field of landscape architecture – and most especially with the wonderful people at terra firma – is a thing which I absolutely love. … Read the rest